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The Best Farmer in the End of the World Crisis (13th Dec 22 at 2:57am UTC)Quote Reply
A few minutes later, there was a sudden thunder over the Dead Sea, countless black clouds gathered, and the sea rolled and roared wantonly, as if a great storm was brewing. To everyone's surprise, a few seconds later, the whole sea of the dead slowly disappeared, replaced by a large dark army of commanders. The angry and sullen Alpha looked coldly at Gu Hao and Ya Long, who were standing opposite him, and his eyes seemed to spew fire. No one knew that his anger and discontent were not directed at the invaders, but at the dead and useless people in the Presbyterian Church who were eager for quick success and instant benefit. The original intention of the Alpha elders was to lead the invaders to the real sea of the dead, so that they would be exhausted and exhausted. The most important thing is to rely on the March and the lack of resistance along the way to wear down the enemy's fighting spirit and self-confidence, until they see the palace of the dead, they will use all their strength to give the invaders a fatal blow. Under such a tactical arrangement, if the enemy can still stand, he will immediately commit suicide to apologize. It's just that he missed a little bit of the perfect plan,D BHB Factory, that is, how the idiots in the Presbyterian Church who can only move their mouths and eat dry rice strongly oppose their opinions. What? How dare you bring the enemies of the dead to the great and sacred palace of the dead? Elder Alpha, it is only for your own honor and dignity that you are humiliated. Do you still want to add such shame to the palace of the dead, to His Majesty the Great Black King? It's an act of cowardice. If you're afraid, what else can I do for the Necromancers? You just sit here and wait for the invaders to trample their dirty feet on this sacred land. I'll do what you have to do for you. "I finally understand why the necromancer's conquest of the fourth universe has been a failure. Elder Alpha, I really don't understand what qualifications you have to be the vice president of the Council." And so on and so forth. He used the dignity and reputation of the Necromancers and the Black King to suppress himself,Thyroid Powder Factory, and he had never met such strong opposition, and almost none of the elders supported him. Those high-sounding reasons became the biggest obstacle to the realization of his perfect plan. He had no choice but to agree to the proposal of these wastes, that is, to lead the army to wipe them out in the middle. With a deep sigh in his heart, Elder Alpha looked intently at Gu Hao. He could not imagine that besides the Atlanteans, the cockroaches on Earth were among the invaders, and that they seemed to be able to manipulate the plant warriors. From the test just now, the fighting power of the Atlanteans is also very strong. It seems that a big battle is going to start again. The heavy casualties of the dead are inevitable, and I'm afraid this account will end up on my own head. With a wry smile, Alpha slowly raised his staff, and a strange black gas began to slowly wrap around it. Chapter 195 the magic of Alpha. Chapter 195 the magic of Alpha. There was more and more black gas, Berberine Hydrochloride Factory ,Fungal Chitosan Manufacturer, which gradually gathered at the top of Alpha's staff. Then the black gas turned into a flash of lightning and shot into the sky. A circular array appeared in the dark sky, from which countless souls flew out, accompanied by bursts of ghosts rushing into the expeditionary force. While everyone was hurrying to dodge, the souls did not attack anyone, but got into the bodies of the expeditionary forces that had just died. Strange things happened, the people who had already been cold and cut off from life began to stand up slowly, and then launched a crazy attack on the compatriots around them. Only the dull and lifeless eyes can prove that these people who have come back from the dead are nothing but the puppets of Alpha. Seeing this, Gu Hao shouted at the already confused crowd: "Don't be timid. Those people are not your brothers and compatriots. Fight to the end." As the voice fell, Alpha waved his hand and shouted, "Mighty commanders and soldiers, go and pour your anger on the positions of the invaders. Honor to His Majesty, the Great Black King." The army of the dead launched an attack while the formation of the expeditionary force was in chaos, crushing Gu Hao, who was the first to bear the brunt, like the pressure of Mount Tai.
The lowest level in the army of the dead is also a mage or virtual spirit above the middle level. Gu Hao pulled back and used an eye of insight to the Alpha not far away. Race: Necro; Level: Advanced; Ability: Ominous; He is also a high-level necromancer who can't even see through the eyes of insight, and he is also the supreme commander of these necromancers. Gu Hao can't help but have a headache when he thinks of this. Except for a dozen high-level necromancers guarding the Alpha, all the necromancers and the expeditionary force launched a big battle. Hua Xiaoou is already a high-level and middle-level evolutionist. His muscles are like copper skin and iron bones. Ordinary magic and physical attacks pose no threat to him. The black cloak is agile and elegant with his handsome figure, and every time he makes a move, there is always a dead soul who has become his dead soul. It can be said to be invincible, and there is no one under him. Gu Hao and Yalong, as well as several senior Atlantean satellites, did not join the battle, standing aside and looking at each other with the opposite Alpha and other spirits, all waiting for the best time to shoot. The battle was extremely fierce, blood and anger accompanied by a continuous loss of life, all people killed red eyes, either you die or I die. After Hua Xiaoou twisted an intermediate necromancer into two parts, he was about to find another opponent. Suddenly felt a strong wind behind him, and Hua Xiaoou, who had no time to dodge, gathered all his mental strength and threw his fist back. If the enemy wants to penetrate his back, then he will be blown into powder by Hua Xiaoou's heavy punch, perhaps only the tactics of fighting for life can win the vitality. Fists and palms intersect, the two figures just touch and suddenly separate, Louis stared at Hua Xiaoou with a sullen face. When Louis saw the valiant earthman slaughtering his own kind like chopping melons and vegetables, his eyes were about to crack. After getting rid of a star guard, he took advantage of its defense when there was an empty door to attack with all his strength,Thyroid Powder Factory, which thought that the enemy's combat experience was extremely rich, unhurried, and even used the way of burning both jade and stone to defuse his unavoidable attack. pioneer-biotech.com
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